Saturday 13 April 2013


There are a few billion people roaming our planet, everyone with a story, with a gift. Every talent different than the other, every story more unique than the first. But the truth is that your gift may not reach every ear, or may not be seen by every eye, or may not be experienced by every individual. That does not make it any less significant. All of our gifts, everything that you have to offer, at this moment is worth something. We as people are more than we know, our potential is enormous. The surface of what we can do has not even been scratched.

I believe that there is good, I believe, that good still exists. Wonderful, pure, clear. And even though I find myself struggling with perfection more often than I would like. The truth is that love has all the answers and disqualifies all the errors of our ways.

Your gift has the power to spread love around you. Don’t keep it hidden. Your are more than just an ordinary individual. You are the hero of this world.

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